
Tuesday Oct 09, 2018
Season 1 Episode 12 ”Forgotten Temple”
Tuesday Oct 09, 2018
Tuesday Oct 09, 2018
After managing to defeat the kaken hatchling, the heroes return to the boglig village, tell their story, and speak to the chief. Spending the night in the village, Olgrim and Puck are presented with an interesting dilemma with very different results. The heroes finally meet the man the bogligs have been healing. The group decides to head back towards more familiar ground but takes a detour to investigate an old temple they saw on their way to the boglig village. The group must face a hard truth before proceeding into the depths of the temple, where they will face off against the temple's new inhabitants.
Join us in this episode where Puck enjoys some Boglig caviar, Olgrim tries out a new career as a mime, Avius convinces the group to join his cult, and Elmon is called out by name for his past actions.

Tuesday Oct 02, 2018
Season 1 Episode 11 ”A Crack in the Challenge”
Tuesday Oct 02, 2018
Tuesday Oct 02, 2018
This week the Bards find themselves facing a primitive tribe of frog like creatures called Bogligs. They are tasked with a challenge of cunning and strength to prove their worth to the tribe. Some of the heroes shine and impress the Bogligs while others provide comic relief. After the competition, the Bards find themselves in a battle for their lives. When things finally start to seem to be going their way, a new enemy rises up and proves to be the greatest challenge they have faced so far.

Tuesday Sep 25, 2018
Season 1 Episode 10 ”A Faire to Remember”
Tuesday Sep 25, 2018
Tuesday Sep 25, 2018
In this episode, the group runs into a now familiar frenemy, whom they enter into an informal compact. Elmon goes head-to-head against a local champion and gains the attention of an Elven woman. Meanwhile, Puck terrorizes bullies for the crippled children, and with the help of Avius, they enter into a magical contest against a sorceress and some halflings. Olgrim helps us figure out how hard-headed a dwarf can be. Then the group heads out of Tauliss to complete an overdue commitment, running into trouble in both the woods and along the water.

Tuesday Sep 18, 2018
Season 1 Episode 09 ”Fur, Fireballs, and Festivals”
Tuesday Sep 18, 2018
Tuesday Sep 18, 2018
Leaving behind their experience against the dark specters, our heroes continue to battle their way through the sewers. Olgrim figures out why multiplication can be dangerous on their way to the heart of the rats' nest where Avius and Puck shine. After leaving the sewers and recuperating at Middle Hawks inn, the heroes attend a faire where Olgrim and Puck get slathered in mud. The bard, Vakeer, drops by and shares some rumors going around the city. Elmon and Puck enjoy one of their favorite games before the group runs into a priest of Lothien they've seen before.

Tuesday Sep 11, 2018
Season 1 Episode 08 ”Riding Bear Back”
Tuesday Sep 11, 2018
Tuesday Sep 11, 2018
The heroes return to the sewers to exterminate more ratmen, find themselves challenged crossing a deep channel of sludge, and end up blocked by an odd pool of water. A secret is discovered that leads to an old construction below the city with an air of mystery.

Tuesday Sep 04, 2018
Season 1 Episode 07 ”Why Did It Have to be Rats?”
Tuesday Sep 04, 2018
Tuesday Sep 04, 2018
The Bards find work with a previous acquaintance to learn more about the Grey Ascent. Traveling into the sewers of Taullis, they run into more than one type of vermin. They discover a kidnapped victim in peril before a dire event becomes much more pressing to investigate. Olgrim continues his trend to get down and dirty. Puck finds new and old ways to confound those that have spurned him. Elmon finally figures out a knack for persuasion, and Avius proves how useful he is with manual labor.

Tuesday Aug 28, 2018
Season 1 Episode 06 ”Tribunal”
Tuesday Aug 28, 2018
Tuesday Aug 28, 2018
Having recovered their companion from the Chaos Cultists, the party quickly runs into trouble from an unexpected source. Their honesty is put to the test, and they struggle with a choice which may haunt them in the future. Avius does his best not to provoke another grandfather clock, and Puck continues to antagonize anyone foolish enough to slight him.

Sunday Aug 19, 2018
Season 1 Episode 05 ”Down into Chaos”
Sunday Aug 19, 2018
Sunday Aug 19, 2018
With Olgrim Shield biter taken away by cultists, the rest of the heroes search desperately for their friend, seeking out a previous acquaintance hoping he will have information on Olgrim's abductors. They gain an ally and pave a path through a fanatical enemy force determined to prevent them from rescuing their companion. We will find out exactly how much damage a hug can do, and Elmon gets religious.
All while Olgrim struggles determinedly for his life, fighting to the end.

Sunday Aug 19, 2018
Season 1 Episode 04 ”Gears and Cogs”
Sunday Aug 19, 2018
Sunday Aug 19, 2018
Our heroes pursue several clues to the location of the Grey Ascent, a magic trinket coveted by many. Following a lead, the group battles more constructs, gets tangled up in the thieves guild, and follow a bloody trail to more clues. An old enemy of the Bards returns with dangerous consequences.

Sunday Aug 19, 2018
Season 1 Episode 03 ”Twice for All Clear”
Sunday Aug 19, 2018
Sunday Aug 19, 2018
Join the Inglorious Bards as they attend a dinner party, discover why you never leave a disgruntled goblin alone in a kitchen, and battle a magical construct.
The Inglorious Bards return to dry land from their commission to chart an island. Stumbling into near immediate employment upon their return, they find themselves acting as guests and bodyguards at a dinner party over watching some of the cities aristocrats. While Puck tests the limits of his host's employees and the rest of the party works to keep the silverware on the table, the true intent of the party is revealed, leaving the party to wonder if the events were connected.