
Sunday Aug 19, 2018
Season 1 Episode 02 ”White Cliffs”
Sunday Aug 19, 2018
Sunday Aug 19, 2018
Join the Inglorious Bards as they explore an uncharted island, engage in diplomacy, and find out what happens when you leave a dwarf alone in a room swarmed by enemies. Our group continues their journey to the uncharted island where they uncover a crumbling tower, find a mysterious man with a surprising ally, battle monstrosities, and sink their teeth into battle against the faceless hordes.
Come join the irreverent adventures of the Inglorious Bards as they dish out pain on their enemies and really bad jokes on the rest of us.

Sunday Aug 19, 2018
Season 1 Episode 01 ”Cursed Ship”
Sunday Aug 19, 2018
Sunday Aug 19, 2018
Come join the Inglorious Bards on their first adventure of the campaign. Follow the not-so-harrowing tales of Avius the wizard, Puck the goblin healer, Elmon the archer, and Olgrim the drunken dwarf as they tangle with cultists, rescue a homeless man from drowning, and unceremoniously get mugged.
Our group of adventurers take it upon themselves to attempt to foil the plans of evil cultists. Having garnered information that the cult was expecting a special shipment coming into port upon the ship, The Duke's Castle, the group has decided to intercept the cultists and the learn more about this mysterious shipment. We join them as they watch the ship from a safe vantage. Listen in as the group attempts to stop the cultists' plans while they encounter a persistent mugger, begrudgingly throw a drowning man a rope, and end up with more questions than answers from the mystery cargo.
We invite you to join our irreverent and light-hearted adventure of the Inglorious Bards as they comically bumble their way through danger and dark magics...enjoy!

Sunday Aug 19, 2018